“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” – Hippocrates
Nutritional Science has made dramatic advances in recent years. Using the information compiled from scientific studies, it is now possible to formulate a few simple diet and lifestyle principles that help you stay fit and prevent a wide range of health issues.
At its very basic, food provides our body with the energy to perform all essential and voluntary functions. It also constantly supplies nutrients required to build and regenerate body constituents, thus boosting general health and vitality. Additionally, in Ayurveda, the energy in what we consume is believed to nourish our mind and soul as well. The importance of eating right cannot be stressed enough. Indeed, many chronic illnesses can be prevented or cured simply through the application of correct dietary principles.
At Way2health, we focus on nutrition and eating healthfully, which is an undisputed, yet often overlooked critical ingredient to the success of any dietary routine. Here, there is no carbohydrate, protein or calorie counting, portion size measuring, or weighing involved. The foods we have chosen for you will ensure that without having to watch your portions, over time, you will become healthier and will be satisfied with fewer calories. This is achieved by increasing high-nutrient foods in your diet and ‘crowding out’ unhealthy, low-nutrient foods. A properly nourished body automatically seeks its ideal weight without having to fight the scale.
Nutrition is all about eating healthy food as close to its natural state as possible for optimum health and well being. To know if a food is healthy and good for you, just check if it is unrefined, unprocessed, organic or, locally grown whole foods. Some other nutritional ‘rules of thumb’ are:
Eat mainly high nutrient, natural plant foods such as vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, and seeds.
Consume minimal animal produce (one or two servings per week at most), instead choose other, healthier options in the same food group.
Avoid all foods that are completely empty of nutrients or toxic for the body such as sugar, sweeteners, white flour, processed foods, and junk food.
Why is Nutrition important?
The importance of the right nutrition to our life and health is indisputable. It is common knowledge now that unhealthy eating habits can cause grave harm to our health and seriously impair our quality of life as time goes by. These are some of the things that proper nutrition does for you:
Meets the bodily requirement for energy, repair and maintenance of tissues, and fighting disease-inducing elements
Provides phytochemicals that are shown to reduce risks of major health problems such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, and neurodegenerative disorders, to name just a few
Prevents or delays degenerative disorders
Promotes longevity
Improves energy and focus which translates into optimum productivity
Increases endurance level
Enhances cognitive ability
Helps in coping with day-to-day stress
Enriches the quality of life

How a Nutrition Consultation Works?
A nutrition expert takes numerous factors into consideration before customizing a sustainable meal/diet plan unique to each person. Those factors include but are not limited to:
Age, current health concerns, and immediate nutritional deficiencies.
Personal preferences.
The goals of a properly designed nutrition plan are:
Healing the rupture of acid-alkaline balance through maintaining a precious balance between the degree of acidity and alkalinity in the body.
Correcting and balancing the internal cellular environment by shutting off the sources of overload by regulating quantities and qualities.
Detoxification – Skin, liver, lungs, kidneys, and intestine are all the right exit doors for eliminating toxins. The correct application of the cleansing process can eliminate the vast majority of health problems.
Introduction to food supplements such as bee pollen, wheat germ, and spirulina along with trace element supplements such as blackstrap molasses and seaweed.
A good meal plan requires being evaluated on an ongoing basis for its effectiveness and is tweaked as needed from time to time.